Time-lapse Photography and Video

Time-lapse photography and Time-lapse video

If an object undergoes some kind of change over time,  a time-lapse video will always be intriguing, and for some content even mesmerising, as we witness in a short space of time changes that can often be overlooked, or not appreciated due to the slow pace.

The Subject

We provide high quality time-lapse for construction, including demolition, earthworks, construction from initial stages to completion, civil engineering, logistics, events, leisure activities and shows etc. We choose our equipment according the the subject matter and environment, then choose the correct lenses and camera settings. We have a back-end control panel where we can control the regularity of the photos, which can even be accessed away from the location or site.

Duration of time-lapse

We provide both short-term and long-term timelapse. Ranging from one day, a week, or to years of periodic photographs all joined together into one timeline to create a video to view and appreciate the changes made.


We do not use off the shelf equipment or webcams, but DSLR cameras and specially designed timelapse equipment and housing. Our off-grid camera equipment weighs approximately 9kg and can be mounted on a mast, pole, building, we also have custom built mast trailers. It can withstand the harsh UK weather, and can function without access to electricity even through the night and winter periods. All photos are uploaded via a 4G network and can be viewed, downloaded, shared or used to create a Timelapse video.

  1. Efficient Solar panel & 12V battery/ies: Totally off-grid (no onsite electricity source required), no matter the weather or season
  2. 24/7 4G SIM connection, for 24/7 photography and uploads
  3. Nikon DSLR 24MB camera
  4. Weather-proof housing
  5. Control panel, to view individual photos, zoom, compare photos according to dates, generate timelapse video

We can also provide a production quality completion video, all photos are processed, filtered, stabilised to create a smooth video showing changes over time smoothly. This takes timelapse photography and video to the next level.

Online and total control

Our systems are monitored and managed from our offices, we continually manage the capture remotely using fully secure connections and also provide our client with access to a portal with various tools to view the photos over the project period.